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What Car Will Children of the Future Ride In? "He must be here somewhere......" "Hi, Jino!" "NEXO! Yor're here already!" "What's wrong, Jino? You look sad." "I tried to introduce you in class but knew so little about you......" "Well, let me help you!" Dream Car of Children of the Future "NEXO, who can operate all lights and devices" "No problem on days when the fine dust in bad!" "This kitten looks sick. Please call the animal rescue team!" "Got it! I'll give the kitten some water until they come!" "Help, NEXO" "No need to worry!" "Guys, gather around!" "Yo-ho!" "Yo-ho!" "Yo-ho!" "Whee!" "Whee!" "Whee!" Exciting Story about the Car of the Future Told by Jino and NEXO "Thank you, NEXO!" "Have a good nap! I'm right here beside you." "Wake up, Jino!" "Huh?" "What?! It wasn't a dream?" Do you think Jino really met NEXO? What Car Will Children of the Future Ride In? Story about the car of the future told by Hyundai Motor Company